Star Planning and Development is able to act nationwide as a Planning Consultant, providing consultancy services and advice on a range of planning related matters, including:
- All types of planning applications
- Planning appeals including acting as expert witness
- Local Plan and Neighbourhood Plan representations and appearing at Examinations
- Enforcement Notice appeals and related Lawful Development Certificates
- Compulsory Purchase planning inputs
- Prior Notification applications
- Advertisement applications
- Local Plan and Neighbourhood Plan representations
- Identification of development opportunities
- Promotional documents for sites
- Conditions and Planning Obligation heads of terms negotiations
- Managing the planning strategy and consultant team for complex projects
- Housing land supply assessments
- Input into Environmental Statements including screening and scoping reports
Other services related to planning and development are also provided, including planning advice related to Compulsory Purchase Orders.
These services are available for a wide range of projects including all types of housing proposals, employment developments, leisure schemes, retail and service uses and community developments.